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Voice of the Marketer Series – Identity Research Brief

Marketers’ Perspectives on the Loss of Device Identifiers

Impacts for Marketers Now & in the Future

One year after Apple shifted their device tracking model from opt-out to opt-in, marketers are feeling the impact and voicing concerns. How has the loss of device IDs affected advertising campaign scale and effectiveness? What steps can marketers take now to find solutions? Are there new targeting methods marketers can adopt?

This report provides a brief, revealing snapshot of marketers’ concerns, experiences and next steps regarding the loss of one of the industry’s most foundational targeting methods.

The study focuses on three core areas of inquiry regarding device targeting and identity:

  1. The impact of ID deprecation on the participants’ recent advertising initiatives
  2. The scope and degree of marketer concerns
  3. Marketers’ perspectives on how to address those concerns

Download the report today to access the new study by the Emodo Institute and discover the innovative privacy-centric advertising solutions you can adopt to combat the loss of device IDs.

Read the Report

2022 Voice of the Marketer Insights


Of C-level marketers are experiencing decreased scale in campaigns and audiences as a result of ID loss.


of marketers that are concerned about privacy changes are experiencing decreased effectiveness in campaigns.


Of Marketers believe the impending deprecation of 3rd party cookies in Chrome will be a major issue for scale.

Data-Centered Insights & Courses

The Emodo Institute helps marketers make better-informed campaign decisions and achieve better results. The Institute conducts studies, publishes papers, and teaches specialized courses to help media buyers, sellers, and solution providers stay ahead and think forward. The Emodo Institute is wholly focused on the research, education and resolution of the mobile data concerns that challenge business and marketing effectiveness.

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San Francisco, CA 94105



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