Voice of the Marketer Series

Insights from Marketers Like You

One year after Apple shifted their device tracking model from opt-out to opt-in, marketers are feeling the impact and voicing concerns. Don’t miss this engaging series of reports that reflect the perspective of hundreds of marketers. Learn what’s on the minds of your peers and the best practice strategies for advertising in a privacy-centric world.

Marketers’ Perspectives on Measurement KPIs as IDs Disappear


Marketers can no longer rely on device IDs at the same scale they did preciously, and as it stands, measurement may actually be taking the brunt of the ID change issues. This mean it’s more critical than ever to understand how KPIs are being used today and how to make sure marketers have a reliable form of measurement in the face of loss of device IDs.

This report is organized by KPI, demonstrating how each one is affected. As we look closely at each one, we’ll work toward answering the following questions:

  • Which brand categories are at highest risk of having their KPI priorities severely impacted?
  • Which creative formats are marketers utilizing to achieve each KPI?
  • How are in-house agencies impacted differently by ID changes, as compared to external agencies?
  • And more!

Marketers’ Perspectives on Privacy-Centric Ad Creative


Device IDs and cookies are disappearing. At the same time, digital advertisers are putting a greater degree of focus on ad creative. This report provides a revealing snapshot of marketers’ creative preferences and adoption trends – particularly among marketers concerned about, or experiencing, the impact of ID loss.

The study focused on three core areas of inquiry regarding the adoption of creative strategies in the era of diminished ID-based targeting:

  1. Marketers’ preferences and adoption of creative formats, especially three key types of ad creative that show unique properties and potential for post-ID advertising: Augmented Reality, Dynamic Creative and Native Advertising
  2. Marketers’ views on the appeal and effectiveness of specific creative formats
  3. Correlations between creative strategies and concerns around the loss of tracking data

Marketers’ Perspectives on the Loss of IDs


As tracking IDs disappear, marketers are feeling the impact and voicing concerns. How has the loss of device IDs affected advertising campaign scale and effectiveness? What steps can marketers take now to find solutions? Are there new targeting methods marketers can adopt?

The study focuses on three core areas of inquiry regarding device targeting and identity:

  1. The impact of ID deprecation on the participants’ recent advertising initiatives
  2. The scope and degree of marketer concerns
  3. Marketers’ perspectives on how to address those concerns

Download the Voice of the Marketer Reports

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2022 Voice of the Marketer Insights


Of C-level marketers are experiencing decreased scale in campaigns and audiences as a result of ID loss.


of marketers that are concerned about privacy changes are experiencing decreased effectiveness in campaigns.


Of marketers concerned about privacy and identity have used AR in marketing, but most have yet to adopt AR in their advertising.

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