Digital Learning Series

A Digital Course from the Emodo Institute

The Impact of 5G on Advertising

When: Tuesday, April 21 at 1 pm ET / 12 noon CT / 10 am PT
Duration: 45 minutes

Join Jake Moskowitz, Head of Emodo Institute, for a lively and interactive session. 5G, the next gen mobile network, takes connectivity well beyond the mobile phone – and that includes the ways in which marketers connect with consumers. Jake delves into how 5G will redefine the data marketers use to target their messages. Take a deep dive into five gradual changes we can expect to see as 5G rolls out across the U.S. – from the ways datasets will be valued to the ways they’ll be applied.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn about how 5G is a far more profound change than just being “another G”
  • Understand the specific ways 5G will impact marketing, and how the COVID-19 crisis changes the game
  • Develop specific near-term plans to make your organization 5G ready now

Register today!

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Register for the Course

Tuesday, April 21
1 pm ET / 12 noon CT / 10 am PT

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Data-Centered Insights & Courses

The Emodo Institute helps marketers make better-informed campaign decisions and achieve better results. The Institute conducts studies, publishes papers, and teaches specialized courses to help media buyers, sellers, and solution providers stay ahead and think forward. The Emodo Institute is wholly focused on the research, education and resolution of the mobile data concerns that challenge business and marketing effectiveness.

535 Mission Street, 27th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105



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