A digital course from the Emodo Institute
How AI Algorithms Think
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT / 11 am PT
Duration: 45 minutes
AI and Machine Learning are transforming industries from Retail to Finance to Health (global efforts to fight the novel coronavirus is a perfect example). No industry is likely to see more AI-related change than Advertising. Marketers, however, rank their lack of understanding of AI as a top barrier to its adoption. The Emodo Institute is excited to offer a unique online course to bridge that gap.
In this course, you will:
- Learn what AI really means and the AI essentials every marketer should know
- Understand how algorithms work and don’t work by comparing their training to training a dog
- Develop a simple method for vetting vendor claims about AI

Jake Moskowitz
Head of the Emodo Institute
Jake leads the company’s thought leadership, custom analytics, and external training. In addition to his many years at the intersection of mobile data and advertising, Jake earned a BA from UC Berkeley and an MBA from Stanford University Graduate School of Business.
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The Emodo Institute helps marketers make better-informed campaign decisions and achieve better results. The Institute conducts studies, publishes papers, and teaches specialized courses to help media buyers, sellers, and solution providers stay ahead and think forward. The Emodo Institute is wholly focused on the research, education and resolution of the mobile data concerns that challenge business and marketing effectiveness.

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