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Emodo Institute Report

The 2022 Holiday Shopper Survey for Marketers

Emodo Institute Report

The 2022 Holiday Shopper Survey for Marketers

The Annual Study from The Emodo Institute

Emodo’s Holiday Shopper Survey for Marketers reveals significant shifts in consumer expectations for the 2022 holiday season, citing the economy over COVID as consumers’ top concern. That shift will affect the way consumers spend, where they shop and how they shop this year. The insights revealed in this study are unlike any from previous years. You won’t want to miss it.

Here’s what’s inside the report:

  • Consumer perspectives on the economy
  • When consumers expect to start their holiday shopping
  • Where and how they plan to shop
  • How the economy will impact purchases at a category level
  • Opportunities to address these shifts

BONUS: You’ll also receive our Three Must Try Holiday Strategies for Marketers

Read the Report

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2022 Holiday Shopper Insights


of consumers believe financial concerns will affect their upcoming holiday season.


of consumers believe we are already in a recession.


of consumers who plan to shop more this year expect they will do more of their shopping in physical stores.

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The Emodo Institute is an award-winning content source for the advertising industry. The Institute conducts market research and addresses known and emerging marketer challenges through industry presentations, courses and published reports. For a custom presentation for your team, contact us.

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