A publication from Emodo
Q4 Retail Insights
More than ever, the 2020 holiday season will be about implementing different advertising tactics for different audiences.
Emodo Insights — drawn from our unique Carrier Intelligence plus in-depth surveys and research — identify consumer shopping trends and critical, actionable steps you can take right now to improve Q4 campaign performance.
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Store Visit Trends
How 2020 is shaping up compared with the previous year. More importantly, what to do about it.

Shopping Behavior
Across demographic groups, shopping behaviors have shifted significantly. How to adapt in this new paradigm.

Mobility on the Rise
48% of consumers have increased phone usage and they are 86% more likely to report greater Holiday spend.
“Retail, right now, is largely a game of the art of the possible rather than the art of the intended . . . it’s much more about what you can do versus what you want to do.”
–Bryan Gildenberg, SVP of Commerce at Omnicom Retail Group
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The Emodo Institute helps marketers make better-informed campaign decisions and achieve better results. The Institute conducts studies, publishes papers, and teaches specialized courses to help media buyers, sellers, and solution providers stay ahead and think forward. The Emodo Institute is wholly focused on the research, education and resolution of the mobile data concerns that challenge business and marketing effectiveness.

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